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HomeGovernmentSchool Board NewsUSD 313 Board discusses upcoming facility repairs and recognizes performances

USD 313 Board discusses upcoming facility repairs and recognizes performances

Back row: Chris Shank, Greg Lackey, Tim Lackey, Monte Cross Front row: Dr. Michael Green, Jessica Goering, Laura Meyer Dick CREDIT BUHLER USD 313

Buhler School District 313 Board met Monday, August 12 for their monthly board meeting and discussed several upcoming repairs for consideration. Jessica Goering was the only board member absent. 

Superintendent Cindy Couchman began the meeting by discussing expensive inefficiency issues with the heating and cooling system at the Buhler Grade School. “We’ve blown a lot of compressors because of current system problems,” said Couchman. Director of Finance Shane Hecox said that the total bill is around $12 to $13 thousand every time they have to replace compressors. 

The most recent expensive repair was when it was discovered that certain valves were leaking coolant. Couchman said that It’s been 10 years of these continued problems and there’s no solution in sight. So they began checking into alternatives.

Bret Miller with DCS Services out of Wichita explained that part of the problem with the current Variant Refrigerant Flow system (VRF) system is that the insulation is very specific. “When one part fails, it causes more problems,” said Miller.

Miller proposed a less expensive option of replacing the current system with a one-to-one split system by Mitsubishi with a dedicated outdoor system. Each room would have its own unit to control and there would also be a central control system. He said that it will have the least economic and physical impact and a 10-year warranty. And by adapting the system this way, the school could reuse some of its current systems.

The board unanimously agreed to have Miller bring proposals to the September board meeting.

The City of Buhler has requested help with a partnership with the school district over the operation of the baseball and softball fields in Buhler. The city’s water allotment is restricted on water rights, and watering the baseball complex is using more than the allotment and causing added expense to the city budget. The city asked the school board to look at options for helping, possibly looking at drilling wells for the ball fields.

Couchman explained that after a cursory ask of a drilling company, it was determined that one well would not be enough to water the fields and that it is possible to drill for multiple wells, but there are too many unknown variables to know exactly what is needed. The drilling company will look into it and let the board know their findings. 

“The city supports us, and we support them,” said Couchman. “We want to be good stewards of water. We have decreased our water usage, we realize we are in a water crisis and we are being conscious of our use. We need to know more and ask more questions.”

Couchman gave a facility report. The remodeling on the Ad Astra building is “pretty much done,” said Couchman. They will have a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 9:00 am this Friday and the children’s first day will be on Wednesday. Hecox and Couchman did a walk-through of the building. “Looks pretty good,” said Couchman.

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment inspection of the daycare at Buhler Grade School will be tomorrow at 1:00. “If they give us the go, we are hoping to open Monday,” said Couchman. “As for Crusader Corner, we anticipate opening sometime in September.”

Couchman offered to schedule tours of the buildings for the board every Friday until everyone had a chance to see them. The first scheduled tour will be on August 23.

Hecox asked the board for permission to publish the budget in the newspapers to provide plenty of time before the budget hearings. The board unanimously approved.

In an administrative report, Couchman discussed awards and recognitions given at a recent all-staff meeting. Mary Witthuhn and Taden Reed both received the Recognizing Inspiring School Employees (RISE) award of $250 each.  Mike Ryan received the Friend of Education award. 

The Future Farmers of America (FFA) group received a 3-star National Chapter rating. According to the National FFA website, “Chapters that receive a national 3-star chapter rating will be eligible to compete for the National Premier Chapter Awards, Models of Excellence and Middle School Models of Excellence Awards.”

The Prairie Hills Middle School Jazz Band earned a spot to perform at the Kansas Music Educators Association (KMEA) All-State band performance.

Couchman said, “School hasn’t even started yet and we are already recognizing our teams’ performances.” 

For more information about the Buhler School District meetings and minutes, visit their website at https://www.usd313.org/page/board-of-education or call 620-543-2258.  The school board meets regularly at 6:00 pm on the second Monday of the month at the Burkholder Administrative Center, 406 7th Avenue in Buhler.

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