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Wednesday / October 23.
HomeOpinionFox Theatre Concert Review: The Greatest Piano Men

Fox Theatre Concert Review: The Greatest Piano Men


By Dan Deming

Last Friday night you didn’t have to be in Vegas, New York, Chicago or Miami to see and hear Las Vegas quality entertainment.  You only had to be at Hutchinsons’ Fox Theatre for “The Greatest Piano Men”, produced by the creator of Broadways’s popular Rock of Ages and staged by four terrific showmen backed by an equal number of band members who greatly enhanced the spectacular show.

In writing concert reviews I rarely name talent that most people in the audience don’t know, can’t clearly understand when announced from the stage and won’t ever remember.  But this four-sum was so impressive they must be mentioned.

Donnie Kehr, who opens the show and boy does this group know how to open and close a performance, traces his history to Broadways’ original Jersey Boys and has been dazzling New York crowds for years.  Bill Connors specializes in the music and takes on the looks of Elton John.  David Maioco is piano music’ unique flame, Liberace, in addition to providing great keyboard supporting his fellow musicians.  

Then there’s 70-year-old Pete Peterman who often steals the show taking on the sounds of Little Richard, Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles.  Peterman, who defies health and age issues in getting to and from his keyboard, does more than 200 impressions along with other singing and instrument dazzle.

The show consists of more than two dozen hit songs and one of the most impressive ways “The Greatest Piano Men” perform is their smooth transitioning from song to song.  Lighting was great and there were only two slight weaknesses.  The big screen video sometimes didn’t quite match the music and how this type of show can be slightly toned-down from a loudness standpoint, I don’t know.   But that would have made it more enjoyable for those with overtaxed ears.

There was a disappointing crowd that saw this outstanding show but few left disappointed as it certainly was Vegas quality.  The performance doesn’t book a lot of stops and isn’t scheduled to appear again until New Year’s Eve at a casino in San Diego.  Five stars to the Fox and all members of the piano gang for bringing great entertainment to Hutchinson.

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  • One of the best concerts at The Fox.

    • Fabulous entertainment

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