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Thursday / February 6.
HomeGovernmentVote 2024Probst outraises Sweely over 4:1, campaign reports show

Probst outraises Sweely over 4:1, campaign reports show

CAPTION: Kansas House District 102 Rep. Jason Probst, left, and Republican challenger Kyler Sweely at the Oct. 15, 2024, legislative forum held by the Hutchinson/Reno County Chamber of Commerce. CREDIT MICHAEL GLENN/THE HUTCHINSON TRIBUNE

By Michael Glenn

Democratic Rep. Jason Probst of the 102nd Kansas House District outraised his Republican Challenger, Kyler Sweely, over $4 to $1 in the general election cycle according to campaign finance reports issued to the Kansas Secretary of State Oct. 28.

All state candidates must file a campaign finance report, showing itemized contributions and expenditures for every transaction over $50. 

Probst received a total of $65,611.14 from 7/26/2024 through 10/24/2024, with $60304.16 coming from itemized contributions, $3,731.98 in unitemized contributions and $1,575.00 in the sale of political materials.

From the itemized contributions, Probst received $21,913.62 from individuals, $6,750.00 from businesses or corporations and $31,175.000 from Political Action Committees or political parties.

Sweely raised a total of $13,840.60 from 7/26/2024 through 10/24/2024, with $7,005.30 from individuals, $3,150.00 from businesses or corporations and $3,685.30 from PACs or political parties. Sweely did not have any unitemized contributions or expenditures.

Contribution reports from candidates do not show PAC money spent independently in support or opposition to a certain candidate. 

Latest comments

  • Interesting. Probst with $30K in PAC money vs $4K for Sweely.

  • This story needs to be expanded. Probst has $132,000 in cash to spend on the general election while Sweely has about $14,000 (which is a nearly 10-1 ratio). So why does Probst whine and play the victim in this race? The outside conservative groups sending mailers that expose Probsts far-left of center voting record are only equalizing the political playing field. But the guy barely could win the 102nd with a 15-1 ratio in 2020 and a 14-1 in 2022. Maybe Probst should genuinely “listen” to what the voters are telling him?? He needs to radically change how he votes OR he needs to find a new district, one where voters actually think like he does.

    • Sir, you need to focus on better representing your own district (which includes a small portion of Hutch) instead of running interference for a carpetbagger candidate. Mr. Thrall would have been a better choice in the primary.
      To counter your propaganda, Mr. Probst DOES listen to our community, and he votes in all of our best interests (not just ‘big business’ and the wealthy)

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