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Saturday / February 22.
HomeCultureCommunity ReportingUnited Way reaches $1.3M goal, supports 33 programs

United Way reaches $1.3M goal, supports 33 programs

The United Way of Reno County announced that it reached its $1.3 million fundraising goal.

In a press release, UWRC CEO and President Lacey Mills said, “We are incredibly humbled and thankful for the support we’ve received from the community. Reaching this $1.3 million milestone demonstrates the collective effort of everyone who believes in the power of working together to create positive, lasting change. With these funds, we can continue to make a significant impact on thousands of local lives, offering hope, support, and opportunities for a better future.”

Fundraising campaign co-chairs Angie and Keith Zwickl spearheaded the successful effort and thanked the community and the organization.

“I am extremely grateful to have been a part of the campaign this year. It was a wonderful experience, and I enjoyed working closely with the team at United Way of Reno County,” said Angie Zwickl. “I am beyond thrilled that we met our goal this year! This could not have been done without the incredible staff of UWRC, the Hype Squad (team of volunteers), the UWRC board, and everyone in the community that graciously donated their time, efforts and dollars.”

Keith Zwickl said, “I’m truly grateful to be part of supporting an organization that makes a real difference in our community. It’s inspiring to see so many people come together to create positive change and I’m honored to contribute to this meaningful cause.”

“We use those dollars to fund a couple of things here with United. Way. One of those is funding other non-profit programs in the community. We have 21 different non-profit partners that we support 33 different programs with,” Mills told The Hutchinson Tribune.

Some of the agencies and programs Mills highlighted include the Boys and Girls Club, infant and toddler programs and the Early Education Center, Brighthouse services and programs, funding for Meals on Wheels, and emergency assistance through the Salvation Army. The United Way supports its programs, including the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, Reno Connections, a Delta Dental insurance program, and mental health resources.

“We’re taking those dollars and investing them back into the community in health, youth opportunity, financial stability and community resiliency,” Mills said. “They serve infants through the
end of life.”

For more information about United Way of Reno County, visit their website unitedwayofrenocounty.org.

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