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Wednesday / October 23.
HomeOpinionOpinion: Panorama roundabouts removed, motorist respect remains missing

Opinion: Panorama roundabouts removed, motorist respect remains missing

The three roundabouts along Panorama Dr. came and went.

After escalating traffic problems along Panorama Dr. north of Dillon’s Marketplace, the neighborhood’s residents appealed to the City of Hutchinson for a solution. More than 1,500 cars use the road daily to move between 30th and 43rd Ave. The road has no bed, is very narrow, and is in a residential area with no sidewalks, and drivers treat it like a wide through-street built to sustain high traffic flow. Commuters speed through the neighborhood, and a few “car clubs” race through at 65 mph and more along the road at night.

Two weeks ago, three temporary roundabouts were installed in an attempt to slow down traffic. After the experiment demonstrated that the measures did lower speeds through the area, they were replaced with stop signs.

After last week’s editorial, a few residents reached out to discuss the situation and dispel myths propagated on social media. Overall, they appreciated the city’s cooperation but were disheartened by motorist indifference and the time needed to mitigate the problem.

The residents I spoke with were frustrated, mainly by the lack of respect shown by those who speed through the area and fear that someone will be badly injured or killed. One house had been hit by a vehicle exceeding the speed limit, and some acts of vandalism have occurred.

Hopefully, the stop signs will work their intended purpose—creating safer intersections and traffic corridors. However, this week alone, I saw the aftermath of two accidents in which drivers had ignored stop lights and signs. Fortunately, no one was severely injured. Unfortunately, we all pay the price with higher vehicle insurance premiums.

I believe drivers need to slow down, obey traffic signals, and not use residential streets as commuter racetracks.

Stiffer penalties, increased fines, and license suspensions for serial offenders are an excellent start.

Nevertheless, respect is the sorely lacking most crucial ingredient in solving the city’s escalating accident rate.

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  • I wonder if automobile commercials showing cars sliding sideways at excessive speeds, throwing up dirt have any impact of driver’s sense of what is respectful?

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