By Emmie Boese
The Hutchinson Community Foundation (Hutch CF) is hosting a youth grant giveaway. Applicants will be notified at a special ceremony on Sunday, March 2.
The Youth Philanthropy Council of Hutch CF has grant funds available specifically for Reno County youth. Applications were due in January, and they were reviewed and decided on in late February.
The organizations that applied must be section 501(c)(3) non-profits. Grants up to $1,000 are considered, with a range of $250 to $1,000. Annual awards total $5,000.
HCF shared its wishes for at least one or more application criteria from a list provided to grant applicants.
The wishes shared included a youth-created and led organization with supervision, a signed statement of support from a young person and an introduction to the fine arts for children and youth.
The Youth Philanthropy Council can partially fund a request in the application. More information is available at hutchcf.org. Sarah Blake is the program officer.