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Monday / March 31.
HomeCultureCommunity EventsExpungement Project Hutchinson to host clinic next month

Expungement Project Hutchinson to host clinic next month

By Emmie Boese

Expungement Project Hutchinson, a community collaboration project between the Human Relations Commission, Kansas Legal Services, Hutchinson NAACP, Hutch in Harmony and local lawyers, will host an Expungement and License Restoration Clinic next month. 

The expungement clinic is on March 13 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and the license restoration clinic is on March 14 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Both clinics will take place at Memorial Hall.  

Expungement is defined as removal of arrest or conviction from a criminal record. Those who want to ensure they meet the expungement qualifications are encouraged to contact Kansas Legal Services. 

An application is required to schedule an appointment for both clinics. To apply for an appointment, call (316) 267-3975 or email klsprobono@klsinc.org

Those who apply should have income verification and expenses with them before emailing or calling.

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