By Emmie Boese
Reno County Deputy Clerk Jenna Fager said Reno County set a record for early voter turnout for the 2024 General Election. There were 10,109 total votes cast during early voting.
“Early voting was phenomenal,” Fager said.
Early voting took place from Oct. 17 to Nov. 4. It was available for county residents at Stringer Fine Arts Center, Wesley Towers and the Reno County Annex. Voting hours at the Annex were extended this year. The Annex was also open for voters on Saturday, Nov. 2, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Fager said the longest an individual had to wait in line during early voting was 20 minutes.
“On Election Day, it wasn’t much different,” Fager said. “People got processed really quickly.”
Fager said she thinks the push for early voting contributed to the high turnout this year.
“With both parties pushing for early voting, and just with people not wanting to wait in line at the polls… they opted to vote early, Fager said.
According to 2024 election data, on Nov. 4, the day before Election Day, 32.3% of the Democratic Party voted early, and 50.6% of the Republican Party voted early.
Overall, 27,178 votes were cast in the county. This is out of a 43,224-person population in Reno County, which makes for a 62.8% voter turnout.
Fager said the overall voter turnout number may have to do with many folks voting for the first time.
“We did have a lot of people come in that never voted in their 60s, and they voted in this election (2024),” Fager said.
More specific results from the 2024 General Election in Reno County are available at renocountyks.gov.