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Monday / March 31.
HomeOpinionOpinion: Gina yells at something, but this time, it’s Thanksgiving!

Opinion: Gina yells at something, but this time, it’s Thanksgiving!

By Gina Long

Michael assembles the framework of each newsletter every evening, readying it for the image uploads and hyperlinks to inform our readers about new articles.

“Gina yells at something” has become the go-to placeholder for our Sunday-published newsletters. In July, I forgot to change the placeholder headline when I added the link to my editorial. The newsletter went out with that headline, and, ironically, I didn’t yell at something that week.

When I saw this placeholder in the newsletter, I laughed so hard that I splattered hot tea all over my keyboard and scared the dog.

So, we’ll do the “yelling but Thanksgiving” thing:

  • I am thankful that the cold weather has arrived because the black widow spiders that infested my garage and back yard this summer are DEAD
  • I am thankful for the rain we are finally getting rain. Every little bit helps
  • I am thankful for Michael for keeping his eye on the ball with the newspaper. I knew there was something special in him when we met during a philosophy book club, so when he asked about starting a local newspaper, I said “yes,” although it was completely out of my area of expertise and my comfort zone. I meet very few 17 year olds who have the discernment of leaders twice his age. He lets me yell at things, too
  • I am thankful for Michael’s parents, who keep him grounded even while he excels at his commitment to make his community a more informed, connected place
  • I am thankful for my friends who have tolerated my packed schedule, but who make sure to extend invitations to lunch and dinner, and to drag me off to a show at the Fox or a movie once in a while
  • I am thankful to those I have interviewed and have cultivated relationships with. Hutchinson is bursting with creative, driven and lovely people who have stories to tell, and who graciously let me tell them

And thank you, our readers, for helping us through growing pains and for supporting us. Without you, our work would have amounted to a thought experiment instead of a full-fledged business.

May you and yours have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving!

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