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Sunday / March 9.
HomeOpinionOpinion: Staying positive in a week of unluckiness

Opinion: Staying positive in a week of unluckiness

CAPTION: The Mazda that Bambi wanted to take a ride in, a.k.a. the “Forestmobile”.

By Michael Glenn

It’s certainly been a week. That’s for sure. 

I’d say this week has been one of the most unlucky weeks of my life. We began the week on a high note, ending Trinity Catholic’s production of “Mary Poppins” which saw a lot of tears, good and bad ones, as I said goodbye to singing and dancing on stage. 

After the musical Monday evening, I decided to go and drive with a friend while listening to show tunes. She had just finished helping out a neighboring high school’s fall production and we both love musicals, specifically “The Music Man.” 

Unfortunately, it seems Bambi wanted to join us. 

While hitting a deer wasn’t the first car problem I’ve had as a very young driver, it definitely wasn’t fun. I stayed calm and called my parents about the problem and we found out the Mazda was totaled.

Oddly enough, as my friend and I were inspecting the damage, another car passed us and stopped to see is everything was ok. 

“Are you The Hutchinson Tribune?” a gentleman asked. The voice sounded familiar but I couldn’t pinpoint it. 

“Yea…,” I said a bit confused.

“It’s Steve Becker. Do you need anything?” 

I guess it sometimes pays off to be a journalist. Steve Becker, one of our former judges and representatives, was with Sarah McKinnon and asked to see if I needed any help. 

Thankfully, no one was hurt and the airbags didn’t even deploy, so they helped me with a fender and made sure I was able to get home. I wanted to thank them for their help, as even though I was able to remain calm, I knew everything wasn’t all right.

At roughly 8:30 p.m. on a cold Monday night, I was able to drive the car safely home and begin to get the process taken care of the next day.

On the contrary, that next Tuesday gave me some inspiration in a well-needed time. The Hutchinson/Reno County Chamber of Commerce held its annual meeting with a phenomenal speaker. Nearly 1,000 business and community members attended and interacting with them provided some networking and positive time away from the car situation.

Everything was getting a little better. Thankfully, I was able to borrow my grandparent’s vehicle to get to work and school for a couple of days while my dad took our family’s main car to work. 

Then, this past Friday night, our main car decided that it wanted to really test my patience. 

The coolant liquid ran out, and my dad came to help me while I was on my way to Applebee’s for half-priced appetizers, a staple in my friend group. 

No big deal, fluids need replenishing all the time. Until I began to drive off and my tire pressure monitor made some noise. 

Turns out, I had an audible leak in my tire. 

Defeated, I give my dad a call about the car 15 minutes after he left. He helped me put on our spare tire and I have an appointment to get it fixed the day of this publication. 

Thankfully, I have enough in savings to get the tire replaced and installed on the vehicle, but I can’t say it’s been a week I’ve particularly enjoyed.

It’s been rough staying motivated to do anything these past few days, but I’m hoping this unlucky period will turn around and I can enjoy Thanksgiving break with friends and family. 

So what’s the moral of this story? Don’t drive at night on country roads in November in Reno County? Don’t go to Applebee’s? 

Maybe. I don’t know. I’m hoping that through these things a silver lining pops out and we can get back up. 

Latest comments

  • “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.” Helen Keller
    Glad you’re okay!

  • Do not blame Applebee for your car problems, they can happen anywhere. Hopefully you paid attention to your dad and learned how to fix the problems. The problem with deear in November is the weather, they just want to get hugged. Enjoy the holidays and stay safe.

  • What a bummer time you’ve had with cars this past week, Michael. I’m sorry they’ve happened to you but glad you’re safe. And better to have these happen while you’re still living in Hutchinson where you have parents to call.

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