Hutchinson’s skies will be lighting up next week as fireworks will be fired as part of the annual July 4 celebration that will sweep the nation.
City Attorney Paul Brown said Hutchinson’s residents are allowed to shoot fireworks on private property 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily from Sunday, June 30 for five days through Thursday, July 4.
Brown reported nine vendors are licensed to sell fireworks during the same hours Hutchinson residents can shoot them. Tents will start appearing this week in Hutchinson where fireworks will be marketed.
Shooting fireworks is a 248-year-old tradition in America. The ink was barely dry on the Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776, when patriots outside Philadelphia’s Independence Hall where the document was signed, ignited fireworks in a spirit of celebration.
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The founding fathers called fireworks a show of patriotic pride for the new nation. On April 30, 1789, George Washington’s inauguration in New York City as the first president was followed by a fireworks display. The tradition established to celebrate great national events is one that has remained throughout the nation’s history with no end in sight.
Violating the fireworks ordinance is a Class C Misdemeanor for first-time offenders, resulting in a fine of $250 or 50 hours of community service, or both. The fine for second-time offenders increases to $500 and is doubled to $1000 for a third-time offense.
Brown encourages those shooting fireworks to follow safety practices.
“Fireworks are just that and we urge adult supervision when children are shooting fireworks,” Brown said. “Bottle rockets and aerial luminaries are banned year-round.”
Brown said Hutchinson’s Fire Department personnel will be circulating throughout the city next week for response to any issues that may occur.
“One of our biggest concerns is that high winds accompanied by hot temperatures and fireworks could stoke fires,” Brown said. “We encourage everyone to refrain from shooting fireworks near structures.”
Brown said many years ago, a fireworks show malfunctioned and sent fire streaming into the grandstands at the Kansas State Fair, before being quickly distinguished.
Hutchinson’s July 4 celebration kicks off with a 10 a.m. parade, which will run north in the city’s downtown area from Avenue B to 12th Avenue.
A fireworks display is slated for 9:45 p.m. at the Kansas State Fair. The event is free and open to the public.